Tree pruning and removal

I use the tree climbing technique which allows maximum respect for the tree system

I better explain the tree climbing technique

I climb and work on trees using this technique because it offers more intervention possibilities and reduces to minimum levels the environmental impact. I can evaluate the effective conditions of the tree crown, its problems and possible blemishes by moving myself inside it.
Because it is not enough to safely climb on a tree, I keep training, experimenting new techniques and sharing information with other sector professionals, in order to offer the best service to my customers.

What I can do for you

I guarantee

In order to do pruning and removals I use:

Endotherapeutic treatment against the pine processionary

What is the pine processionary?

pine processionary nest

It is a lepidopteran insect (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) pertaining to the Notodontidae family. It is a highly desctructive insect for pines and other coniferous trees because it eats great part of the foliage, compromising the tree vital cycle. During its larvae stage this insect has a dangerous down which is irritant for both animals and humans. I can efficiently eliminate this insect in total safety by endotherapeutic treatments.


Do you need an intervention on your tree?
Contact me for a free survey! – Mob. 349 6604953

Some pruning and removal interventions

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