Hi, I am Dino Arbori

Arboriculture and rope access: a passion, a job

Since I was young, I used to love climbing everywhere. Trees have been my first conquest, later I substituted them with climbing halls, and I finally landed to the big mountain walls.
It might seem easy to get from this charming passion to my actual job. However, in order to change the first into the second, I started a training that gave me the specialization of “WORKER SUPERVISOR DURING ROPE ACCESS AND POSITIONING SYSTEMS”. I never stop learning and I keep doing updating and refreshing courses, meetings, seminars and workshops concerning rope access and arboriculture.

What I do

I work in full security on steel structures, multi-level buildings, in confined spaces and trees, so that I can carry out jobs that are difficult to perform in other ways.
Regarding trees, I am able to evaluate their effective conditions, problems and possible blemishes because of my possibility of moving myself inside the tree crown.
Thanks to the tree climbing technique, I offer and carry out tree pruning, consolidation and removal in full respect of the tree and the environment.

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